Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Updates for English

Here's the list of things to be covered for English for term 1. Will distribute this out once we have the hard copies. 

Unit 1: The Underground Dance

Unit 2: Chicken Rice

Unit 3: Bubble Trouble

Unit 4: A Butterfly is born

Spelling List for this whole term.
It will commence next Tuesday, 19 January.

Spelling 2: 26 January
Spelling 3: 2/February 

Spelling 4: 10 February 2016

Spelling 5: 16 February 

Spelling 6: 23 February 

Spelling 7: 1 March 

Spelling 8: after school holidays term 2 week 1. 23 March
Last week of term 1 is MDPW week. All lessons except Mother tongue are frozen. 

Mdm Chan 

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