Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Updates 26 September

Spelling books marked. I gave an extra word, accessories, as this came out for last year SA2 LC, and 38/41 of them couldn't spell this word during the mock LC paper. 
I have marked practice paper 5, some who fared very badly, hence, they are seated closely to me. This makes it easier for me to check on their progress. 
Maths Chp 13- Time, I've only completed 2 lessons. Students still have difficulties converting minutes back into ___ hours ___ minutes. I've not touched on timeline yet. 
PSLE booklet, I've reinforced on model drawing, and reading the questions-- and drawing the model based on the question. I had a shock when I discovered that the students aren't proficient in model drawing, or they didn't invest time on it. Reading the question, checking for understanding on the problem. 
I went through 2 worksheets with them. Will return once I've completed marking. 
Lastly, the last spelling will be next Monday, not 9 October. Their compo paper is next Wednesday so it's better to complete all the spelling. Children were informed yesterday that the last spelling is next Monday. 
Mdm Chan

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