Wednesday, December 30, 2015


There was a holiday homework:
Our holiday attachment where they were supposed to "work" for a day either at the parent's working place or "work" at home as a housekeeper.

We will be getting them to share throughout the whole of January. Please do not worry if you have not completed or started. There is no urgency. I'll give out the worksheets next Monday for those who have not received or misplaced it over the holidays. 

Schedule of Maths:
We will start with Chapter 1 (numbers to 1000) pretty fast,
Followed by Chapter 2 and 3.. The key focus for this term. 
Addition and subtraction within 1000.

Another key focus is the problem sums for chapter 2 and 3... It would form the foundation for Primary 2. And it's really important that they understand these topics. There's a spiral effect if they do not understand, it will be tough moving on to Primary 3 onwards... As the numbers would only gets bigger and stories will be more complex and difficult to comprehend.
Hence, would seek your kind attention on these key topics for the first term. They would really be crucial for the whole year. 

We will have the PSLE booklet to complete. There are many pages and there may be homework for these pages from time to time... Depending on the speed they take to complete in school.

Do prepare them mentally. P2 is not quite like P1 with more testing and deeper learning of other subject content. 


Mdm Chan 

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