Tuesday, February 17, 2015

February notifications and dismissal time for CNY eve

Dear all,

Please read the February notifications.

The dismissal time for tomorrow is 1015. Pls kindly pick up your children at this time.
They are encouraged to bring 2 mandarin oranges. 

Thank you and Happy New Year to all. 
Mdm Chan

Friday, February 13, 2015

SBA Homework

SBA for Unit 5: To Town

Imagine your cousin is coming to town. What mode of transportation would you be taking to bring him/her around town.

Due date: After CNY, 23 February, Monday
This homework will be given out on Monday, 16 February

Announcements for CNY

Dear all,

Spelling 5 Handwriting -- due on Monday (16 February)
Spelling 6 Handwriting -- due on Monday (23 February)
Remediation practices for Chapter 3 -- due on Monday (23 February)
**For those who have these extra worksheets**

Spelling 5 -- Conducted on Tuesday 17 February (in view of CNY celebrations)
Spelling 6 -- Same day on Wednesday 25 February.

Please note that Wednesday, 18 February, there are no lessons in school. It is CNY celebrations. Students should bring just a small bag, a pair of scissors, a water bottle, a story book and pencil case. Do note there is no recess. The canteen is also closed.
There is a performance for CNY in the hall, and the remaining time is spent in the classroom making some CNY couplets.

Class is dismissed early. I will confirm again on the dismissal time.
Do try to come in traditional costume. For Malay and Tamil students, they are also encouraged to come in traditional costumes.  If you do not have traditional costume, please wear the school uniform. There is no PE lessons on that day.

Mdm Chan

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Learnlogy updates

Dear all,

please note the details for logging in to this place.

URL: www.learnlogy.com

Login i/d and password are the same. Students: b/c number in lower case (e.g. t0324692i)
Parents: child's b/c number + parent (e.g. t0324692iparent) 

This is the place for us to practise Maths questions based on the topics. I will also be assigning assignments too for each topic once we have completed the topic. 

CheersMdm Chan

Monday, February 2, 2015

Number Bonds

Number Bonds:

Here's a useful video to show the children on number bonds.
How number bonds come about and what it meant to have a number bonds.

Here's the link:

The song for making 10 is also very catchy, Good for watching and revising.

One important note: Students should know how to make 10. As making 10 is crucial for them in future for addition and subtraction within 20... they need to master what numbers will be grouped together to form 10.

Mdm Chan