Tuesday, June 30, 2015

English and Maths exam papers for P1

Dear all,

Here's the link for 2013 Maths exam papers

Link for English test papers from 2013 and 2011.
Link for English test papers from 2005 to 2008.

I have downloaded from free test papers. Here's the link to the original URL.

Please let me know if this link is not working immediately.

Thanks and regards
Mdm Chan

Monday, June 29, 2015

PE attire on Monday

Good morning,

Some of the children were not in PE attire. There was a change in Timetable. 
Pls note Monday is a day for PE. Thanks.

Mdm Chan

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

WACC parenting tips


Do read this when you are free. I love the first rule. Please be happy first before you can be good parents. 

looking forward to next Monday. 😄 

Friday, June 5, 2015

June holiday courses

Some courses for the June holidays. It's from your pamphlets that was given yesterday. 

Books galore safra telok blangah

Happy holidays to all. There is a road show of books at Safra telok blangah. Do check them out. 

Mdm Chan